Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.” The “blue dress” Lewinsky referred to is a dress she wore with a stain that was later confirmed by the FBI to be from Clinton’s ...
Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.” The “blue dress” Lewinsky referred to is a dress she wore with a stain that was later confirmed by the FBI to be from Clinton’s ejaculation after ...
Millions joined in on the viral debate about the color of this $77 lace dress, made by British retailer Roman Originals. Some saw it as blue and black while others saw it as white and gold.
Available in several shades, this lip stain has garnered a ton of attention because of its blue tint. Now, if you haven't seen this product in action — once the blue mask is peeled away, it's supposed ...
The Repair Shop experts had a tricky job as a man asked them to restore a tattered and stained lace dress that was his late sister's "creative rock" when she was transitioning. Ben visited the barn in ...
Monica Lewinsky never anticipated the global vitriol she received when her affair with former President Bill Clinton surfaced in the 1990s. When she met Clinton, Lewinsky was fresh out of college ...