Manusia umumnya tidur 7 sampai 9 jam per harinya. Namun, hal tersebut tidak berlaku bagi hewan-hewan berikut yang bahkan bisa tidur hingga 22 jam.
Harimau memiliki kecepatan lari mencapai 60 km/jam yang digunakan untuk menerkam mangsa dengan serangan mendadak, serta ...
Artikel ini menyediakan daftar nama-nama hewan dalam Bahasa Inggris, mulai dari A-Z, yang berguna untuk referensi ilmiah dan pengetahuan umum.
Adorable sloths undergo mishaps because they’re slow, like a kitchen fire and running into a glass door; they have a “Case of the Mondays,” like many people sluggish at work the day after ...
Test your observation skills with this tricky visual puzzle! You'll see two almost identical images of a sloth hanging from a tree, but don't be fooled as there are 3 subtle differences cleverly ...
Adorable sloths undergo mishaps because they’re slow, like a kitchen fire and running into a glass door; they have a “Case of the Mondays,” like many people sluggish at work the day after ...
Adorable sloths undergo mishaps because they’re slow, like a kitchen fire and running into a glass door; they have a “Case of the Mondays,” like many people sluggish at work the day after the Super ...