A yard of mulch can be purchased either in bulk (loose) or in bags. The cost is about the same in either format. "Yard" means cubic yard. One cubic yard is 3 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet ...
Learn about the pros and cons to help you decide whether or not you should bag grass clippings in your yard. You can use cut grass as mulch, a barrier on top of garden soil to suppress weeds ...
The owner of a Marco Island landscaping company, Albert Benaroch, was arrested for allegedly stealing more than $13,000 worth of red mulch from Collier County. More than 6,100 bags of the mulch ...
On Saturday, April 5 from 8am – 12pm, leaf mulch is available for pick up at Glade Road Growing. Loose and bagged leaves collected by the Town are composted ...