The Kennewick Police Department is urging residents to follow fire safety tips after a residential fire occurred on March 23, ...
Shooting flames as high as 15 to 20 feet that grazed nearby trees, a fire in a shed next to Home Team BBQ at the base of ...
A beloved downtown San Luis Obispo restaurant temporarily closed after a small fire damaged the building on Sunday night. The ventilation system at Old SLO BBQ Co. caught fire at about 7:18 p.m ...
According to the Spokane Fire Department, crews responded to a fire on Tuesday at Longhorn Barbeque and arrived within three ...
Early stages of an investigation do not show suspicious activity caused Monday night’s fire that swept through a shed used ...
A disposable barbecue is thought to have caused a bin fire on the waterfront early on Monday morning. Jersey Fire and Rescue Service was called out at 03:20 GMT to a fire in a large wheelie bin ...