The genius way to fight off birdbath grime is by placing a 1p copper coin in the middle. First, clean the birdbath thoroughly with soapy water. Once that's done, a copper coin will prevent algae from ...
The cold February turned birders’ thoughts to the warmer times to come. The spring migration is already on, with arctic birds passing through, and many of our favorite summer residents will ...
Gardening gloves at the ready... "Treat yourself to a sunflower patch, fill it with an array of multi-coloured varieties and they'll attract a huge range of garden birds," says Holly Clark, Product ...
With the decline of natural habitats across the UK, our gardens play a crucial role in supporting bird populations by providing food, shelter and nesting sites ...
The chirping that we hear each morning is an inviting way to start a day, and bird-friendly gardens attract a number of different species of birds as well as butterflies.
Feeding the birds can add a lot of life to your garden, but if you have blackbirds, dunnocks or robins regularly visiting ...
Biofluorescence is widespread in birds-of-paradise, a group of tropical birds famous for their spectacular courtship dances.
Feeding is a fantastic way to attract birds to your garden, particularly in February when the weather remains chilly. These ...
Birds are beautiful creatures that can make a lawn and garden feel even more serene. Providing snacks to supplement what birds naturally find in the wild guarantees up close and personal ...