The former head of Airbus has urged Europe to shift attention for now from major arms projects to nimble new technologies ...
The bill specifically bans the sale, transfer, modification, operation, or equipping of robots or drones with mounted weapons ...
You can leapfrog these old systems if you focus on autonomous systems, robots, sensors and particularly ... to speed up the effectiveness of our armed forces and our deterrence.
The two AI models Gemini Robotics and Gemini Robotics-ER are designed to give robots a better understanding of their ...
Frontiers has been released, the team are rtolling out the first of the new mechs, starting with a Cyclops design ...
The Ministry of Defense has codified and approved the deployment of the Liut (Fury) ground robotic system in Ukraine’s ...
And they're making steady progress. Just check out this video of ALOHA 2, a dual-armed robot from DeepMind, showcasing its skills. Not only can it precisely fold an origami figure, but it can also ...
The Ministry of Defense has codified and approved the Liut (Rage) ground robotic complex of domestic production for operation in units of the Defense Forces of ...
He added: "First and foremost, we need to really maximize the value of robots on the battlefield, particularly drones." The Future Combat Air System (FCAS), also known by its French abbreviation SCAF, ...