Annuities can be a useful, albeit expensive financial tool to manage retirement income if one cannot or is reluctant to manage their own funds.
As part of any retirement planning scenario, you will look at all the options available. Whether this is maintaining a ...
When a military member is preparing to retire from active duty or from the reserves there are big decisions to make regarding ...
At first sight, using a pension for estate planning purposes and using a pension to generate income appear to be going in ...
The brief is in support of Southern Co. Services, which is accused of using outdated assumptions when calculating retirees’ joint and survivor annuity benefits.
An annuity is considered annuitized when the investment is converted into a steady stream of income payments. Once an annuity is annuitized, the value of the annuity is no longer included in ...
For middle-class South Africans, investing in a Retirement Annuity (RA) is arguably one of the most prudent financial ...
When retirement planning becomes serious, you must consider where your investments will be held. Anyone who wants to retire ...
The ERISA consultants at the Retirement Learning Center (RLC) address whether it’s possible to aggregate RMDs from an annuitized IRA with RMDs from an IRA that isn’t annuitized to determine the total ...
In 1922, there were just 150 centenarians in the UK ...