A reddish-brown Aloe may be rootbound, but it can still be healthy. Here's expert advice on Aloe varieties and more.
Explore how lab-grown meat is being revolutionized with Aloe vera waste to create tasty beef fat for plant-based alternatives ...
One of the commonly used plants for skin and hair care, aloe vera is a plant that grows in subtropical and tropical regions ...
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in reducing irritation and redness Read this article to know how aloe vera can help in reducing acne ...
Researchers repurpose Aloe vera to improve taste, texture and scalability in cultured meat, offering an innovative and ...
If you are growing and maintaining an aloe vera plant for the myriad health benefits, you may prefer soft and chewy leaves. Here's how to do so.
Not only do houseplants bring us joy, green up our interiors, and provide a hobby to indulge in, but many plants also have ...
Aloe vera plant has thick, fleshy leaves filled with a soothing gel, which is commonly used for skin care and various health ...
Adopting horticulture can offer farmers sustainable advantages, with these crops generally yielding higher profits and longer ...