Po ashtu, Haradinaj ka kritikuar kryeministrin, Albin Kurti, i cili ka deklaruar javë më parë ... Tutje, ai ka thënë se në Hagë janë vizituar edhe nga Edi Rama në cilësinë e mikut. “‘Përtova se ishin ...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on Monday rejected a report on Israel’s Channel 12 News which said that US President Donald Trump was in talks with his country about the possibility of taking ...
Rama went full Romeo, dropping to one knee and serenading Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The unexpected gesture was a hit, showcasing the unlikely camaraderie between the leaders of two ...
Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has expressed ... the Mehmeti, Rama and Morina families. One of these children who died in the collapse of an old building is also the son of one of our border police ...
Albanian PM Edi Rama made a thoughtful gesture to Italian PM Giorgia Meloni on her 48th birthday Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama made a thoughtful gesture to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ...
The FITUR International Tourism Fair has opened its doors in Spain, for which Prime Minister Edi Rama says that Albania has aroused extraordinary interest with the "Albania All Senses" stand. In what ...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama made a striking gesture for Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s 48th birthday during their time at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday.
Por, ndërkohë që përpiqej të forconte tezën se Edi Rama është një autokrat kriminel, vazhdimisht përmendte se vet Ahmetaj, kishte hedhur poshtë idenë e kanabizimit të vendit në mbledhje qeverie. Unë ...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama added a personal touch to diplomatic proceedings on Wednesday as he presented Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni with a scarf and serenaded her on her 48th ...
At the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama managed to turn what could have been a routine political encounter into a moment straight out of a rom-com.