Our Extinct Relatives Were Maybe the First to Follow the Ritual of Burying Their Dead 300,000 Years Ago Burying the dead has ...
Scientists have revealed a new report that suggests that our species - Homo sapiens \- emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago. By analysing the modern and ancient genomic data for Europeans ...
While it is generally accepted that the forerunner to Homo sapiens - Homo erectus - left Africa about 1.5 million years ago to populate other parts of the world, there are two main theories about ...
It's widely accepted that our ancestors were cooking 300,000 years ago, but evidence found at Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa suggests we may have started using fire to heat our food much earlier ...
New research indicates that hominins migrated into Eurasia approximately 200,000 years earlier than previously believed, predating the Dmanisi site in Georgia. Anthropologists continue to debate when ...