CANTON, N.Y. (WWTI) – A 48-year-old St. Lawrence County man will be spending the rest of his life in prison after being sentenced to double murder on Friday. Adam Smith was sentenced to life in ...
Given this zeitgeist, a book on the moral philosophy of Adam Smith is timely indeed ... In Roberts’ telling, Smith’s morality boils down to simple life rules: “Seek wisdom and virtue. Behave as if an ...
Ideas That Changed the World explores contemporary life and Smith’s influences on the very things we see going on today. Why is Smith widely studied now in China? Ethical businesses, like Whole ...
Adam Smith published his Inquiry into the Nature ... On the contrary, society is seen as an organism that has its own life history. Indeed, in its entirety The Wealth of Nations is a great ...
Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019). “The Human Good and the Science of Man,” History of European Ideas (forthcoming). “Tocqueville and ...