udgave af begivenheden tilbydes der 4 gå- eller løberuter: et 5 km løb, et 10 km løb, det berømte halvmaraton (21,1 km) samt en 11,5 km gårute. For ikke at glemme børnene, for hvem der er f ...
A meeting for staff at Aberystwyth University heard plans for ongoing re-organisation and restructuring at the institution following the announcement of up to 200 job losses last May. The meeting on ...
The mean age at diagnosis was 0·5 years (SD 0·4) for those with SMA type 1, 1·6 years (SD 0·8) for those with SMA type 2, and 2·9 years (SD 1·7) for those with SMA type 3. As of data cutoff (Nov 1, ...
og 12. oktober 2025! Denne sjove udfordring kommer igen til Ile-de-France med omkring femten forhindringer, der skal overvindes på en strækning på omkring 5 kilometer. Det særlige ved dette ...
The next level to watch is the 100-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at 0.6425, followed by the weekly top at 0.6549 (November 25), and finally the 200-day SMA at 0.6553. On the downside ...
The council will select three locations in Aberystwyth for a trial after carrying out a ground survey. A total of 18 electric vehicle (EV) charge points will be installed, with six at each location.
Evrysdi is the only non-invasive disease-modifying treatment for SMA. The 5 mg Evrysdi tablet can either be swallowed whole or dispersed in water. “Evrysdi has robust potential to modify the SMA ...
Gareth Stephenson, from Aberystwyth, died after a two-car crash on the A470. Stroke victims are concerned changes could see them having to travel for hours to another unit. Shop owners in ...