Mono-mono twins are an incredibly rare type of identical twins who share both a placenta and an amniotic sac. While this makes for a high-risk pregnancy, advances in monitoring and treatment have ...
After the shock had passed — to the extent the shock would ever pass — we met with our doctor, who told us our only option.” ...
I’m an anomaly. An outlier. Part of a percentage so small it doesn’t warrant the money or research needed to find a cause.” ...
She died alongside her daughter Avril Monaghan, who was pregnant with twin girls, and her daughter Maura Monaghan who was just 20 months old ... as well as ultrasound scan pictures of the unborn ...
The odds of having identical quadruplets are one in 11 million births. With Rachel Vargas's complications, her babies are one in 40 million.
Sadie Myers, the Jacksonville, Florida, mother whose 4-year-old twin girls unexpectedly died inside a toy chest in 2023, ...
Your baby can move on its own, but it’s too soon for you to feel it. The heart takes shape and begins to beat. You can hear it on ultrasound ... visits every 4 weeks. The doctor will check ...
He said he left as his pregnant wife was slated for her 12-week ultrasound, but the couple was prepared for his absence. “We’ve been gearing up for twins for about a month now, so I knew when I left ...
That might seem surprising upon finding out that, when armadillos get jiggy with it, only one egg is fertilized. But, like ...
After seven months in the NICU at Woman’s Hospital, baby Brooks only has a few more milestones standing between him and the ...
Around one in 11 million. Those are the odds medical experts gave Rachel and Marco Vargas for their rare pregnancy.
He said he left as his pregnant wife was slated for her 12-week ultrasound, but the couple was prepared for his absence. “We’ve been gearing up for twins for about a month now, so I knew when ...