To get your fill of them you could take probiotic supplements —but the better, healthier move is to simply eat a wholesome ...
Clothes and fishing nets that are made of nylon often end up in landfill or dumped in oceans, but a new way to break down the ...
Probiotics, which help keep the gut’s bacterial flora in balance, are easy to source from your diet – if you’re eating the ...
Tempeh is another fermented soybean food, but unlike miso, it comes in solid form. Fermentation of tempeh promotes the growth ...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a new synthetic approach that turbocharges bacteria into producing ...
By employing a novel technique to examine how carbohydrates modify proteins, scientists have found that gut bacteria can ...
Our guts are home to trillions of bacteria, and research over the last few decades has ... groups at EMBL and another first author of the study. "It could be very useful for people studying other ...
Synthetic cells that look just like natural cells but are chemically reversed could outcompete other living organisms − with ...
Google’s ‘co-scientist’ could ‘change the way we do science’, says author of Imperial College study on antibiotic resistance ...
Our immune systems rely on iron to function, but so do invading viruses and bacteria. New research from Binghamton University ...