Mr. E. L. Keene, a 1942 graduate of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin, envisioned a prize that would honor and support the pursuit of great American writing, and through ...
Please arrive no later than 5 p.m. Graduates may start lining up at 4:30 p.m. Graduates must be checked-in by 5:30 p.m. Graduates arriving after 5:30 p.m. will not be allowed to participate in the ...
Traveling on UT-affiliated business can be confusing, especially as a student! Please read through this information as you begin to plan your travel, as some forms need to be submitted at least five ...
Students at the University of Texas at Austin are required to have completed two years of a foreign language in high school. Student admitted to the University may address any foreign language ...
"People draw on history (and by relation archaeology) every day; whether it’s family history, histories of national pride, state pride, local legends, all of it goes into shaping our own understanding ...
The New Writers Project at the University of Texas at Austin is a small, fully-funded, three-year studio MFA program within the large and highly-ranked Department of English. We offer our students ...
"The play's the thing!" Join us for very tragical mirth. Spirit of Shakespeare (SOS) is a group of UT students who promote Shakespeare programs on campus and in the community by performing scenes from ...
The Department of Asian Studies is dedicated to an academic study of Asia that aims to transform its students and faculty intellectually, professionally, and personally. We create new knowledge across ...
Those who choose to major in MES graduate from UT ready to enter graduate school, the business world, the non-profit sector, and government service. The Department of Middle Eastern Studies offers ...
The New Writers Project is a small and highly selective MFA studio program at The University of Texas at Austin. The New Writers Project core faculty in fiction are Edward Carey, Oscar Cásares, Bret ...
The Pen City Writers is a set of creative writing workshops for students who are incarcerated at the John B. Connally Unit, a maximum-security prison in south Texas. The students earn a creative ...
A vibrant and welcoming scholarly community dedicated to the study of ancient Greece and Rome in all their richness, from the B.A to the Ph.D. Welcome to the online home of the UT Classics Department, ...