Octavia Spencer has starred in many successful movies, three of them leading to Academy Award nominations, with the actress winning the golden statuette for 2011's The Help. With over 100 acting ...
Rihanna is feeling blue! The music and fashion icon voices Smurfette in the new “Smurfs” movie out this summer, and shares ...
Smurfs,' out July 18, stars Rihanna as Smurfette, plus Kurt Russell, John Goodman, Octavia Spencer, Daniel Levy, James Corden ...
It’s been a few years since they last blue up, but the Smurfs are back. Paramount Pictures has unveiled the first full ...
Paramount Pictures has unveiled the Smurftastic first trailer for Smurfs. The CG-animated Smurfs reboot is based on the comic ...
Don’t miss the first Smurfs trailer for the new Smurfs movie starring Rihanna, James Corden, Nick Offerman, JP Karliak, ...
Rihanna is heading to Smurf Village with her role, and she’s making sure the movie's soundtrack is just right.