Passionflower serves as a host plant to several butterflies, in particular the gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) and zebra longwings (Heliconius charithonia), which inhabit Florida and Texas.
effective camouflage in its pine rockland habitat in South Florida. This butterfly, whose only known host plant is the pineland croton, reaches adult sizes of 2.75 to 3 inches and displays sexual ...
creates sort of an abundance of new growth of the host plants of the butterfly, and also enables , sort of nectar, resources to sort of proliferate,” Daniels told WMNF. That’s good news for the ...
Colony estimates at central Mexico overwintering sites indicate that monarch butterfly ... conditions in the butterfly's migratory range (central Mexico, United States, and southern Canada) Loss of ...
DESCRIPTION: The monarch is a large orange butterfly that flies with its wings held in a ... HABITAT: Monarch caterpillars need milkweeds as host plants, which provide toxins to protect them from ...