Geology’s Theory of Everything continues successfully to defend its title. ■ Curious about the world? To enjoy our ...
Special volcanoes known as kimberlites erupted, bringing diamonds to the earth's surface. In Crater of Diamonds State Park, visitors sift through the crater of an ancient, kimberlite volcano ...
SINCE 1954 a prospecting programme for diamonds in the British Protectorate of Basutoland has led to the discovery of a new predominantly basaltic kimberlite province to the east of the micaceous ...
Among the more curious materials that occur naturally on the Earth are volcanic rocks called kimberlites. Unusually rich in magnesium, many of them also host notable quantities of elements as ...
Professor Steve Sparks, School of Earth Sciences Volcanology Group While kimberlites - effectively small volcanoes - have long been the primary source of diamonds, the process by which they are formed ...