Ag News Wire By Gary Wyatt, an agroforestry educator with University of Minnesota Extension. Windbreaks and living snow fences benefit open and rural landscapes by protecting homes, farmsteads, ...
Soil/Fertilizer: Use potting soil that has good drainage, not topsoil or garden soil. Always premoisten the soil before ...
After record-warm temperatures to start the week, you may have noticed a few of your outdoor perennials are starting to emerge.
Evergreen options such as climbing wisteria, Carolina jessamine, and American bittersweet ensure your fence looks lovely throughout the year. These plants bring winter interest and create a lush ...
Fine-tune your plant care routine to match the changing weather, and you'll be rewarded with happy, healthy plants that thrive all year round. Here are the tips to care for your plants in the colder ...
Nearby ligustrums and Texas mountain laurels help make this a green fence, but I’m trying ... and some of them hold their leaves completely through the winter, while others shed their leaves ...