Many social media conversations address the pain of intrusive thoughts, but what are they? Learn about the types of intrusive ...
Abruptly discontinuing your ADHD medication may cause rebound symptoms. Learn more about the rebound effect and how your ...
For more on the biology of ADHD, see Causes and Risk Factors in ADHD. What causes ADHD? Like many other mental health disorders, the causes of ADHD remain under investigation. Genes are theorized ...
While we don't know exactly what causes ADHD, researchers say people with the condition have differences in brain structure, function, and chemistry compared to those without it. In people with ...
Fatigue with ADHD can occur due to hyperactivity, sleep issues, and anxiety, among other causes. People most often think of the restless, frenetic, and impulsive side of attention deficit ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes symptoms that begin in early childhood. Though ADHD is often diagnosed between the ages of four and seven, it ...
Mothers who took acetaminophen during pregnancy were more than three times more likely to have a child with ADHD, a.k.a. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, according to a study published in ...
In some cases, a health issue may be the cause. There’s an association between having childhood trauma and developing ADHD in adulthood. Here’s a look at that connection. If you’re an adult ...
The debate on nature versus nurture has never ceased, particularly in discussions about neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) ...