From three- and five- to ten- and sixteen-cylinder engines, we've put together the most powerful internal combustion lumps in ...
Its claim to fame is that the V6 in question is the very first 6-cylinder in a V formation for a production car...ever. The ...
The master cylinder is designed to last the life of the car, but like brake calipers, sometimes it can spring leaks or otherwise fail, and it must be rebuilt or replaced. The master cylinder is ...
This engine rocks half the cylinder count of a V8, but somehow Mercedes-Benz squeezed the power of a Ford Mustang GT out of ...
The ignition lock cylinder is a mechanical part where the ignition key is inserted to start a vehicle. It’s mounted inside the ignition switch, the electrical component that locks the ignition ...
For the history-minded, there's a short, interesting article on AutoWeek's website about GM's early difficulties and eventual success with their cylinder deactivation system. The article starts ...