For too long, Humpback whales' urinary contributions to the ocean have been overlooked. Photograph By Martin Van Aswegen, NOAA Permit 21476 In the deep blue water, a one-month-old humpback whale ...
Whale pee and other bi-products play a vital role in ocean ecosystems. Find out how they transport nutrients across the seas.
“Because of their size, whales are able to do things that no other animal does. They’re living life on a different scale,” Andrew Pershing, co-author of the new study and an oceanographer at ...
Whales can become caught in rope that runs between shellfish creels on the seabed to a buoy on the surface. Trials have been ...
And whales are gigantic. “Because of their size, whales are able to do things that no other animal does. They're living life on a different scale,” says Andrew Pershing, one of ten co-authors ...
Whale’s volcanic poop offers up a treasure ... and exploring how science influences daily life.
Concerns have been brewing in recent days as word of large-scale layoffs at NOAA and its sister branch the National Weather ...