Within 20 minutes, waves of water began to hit the coasts of surrounding islands. In Indonesia's Aceh province in Northern ...
Hampir 25 tahun mengabdi di dunia jurnalistik Tanah Air, presenter Liputan6 SCTV, Joy Astro menyebut liputan tsunami Aceh ...
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Aceh province on Friday. The quake occurred at a depth of 29 kilometers and ...
Ledakan megathrust menimbulkan musibah lebih dahsyat dari gempa dan tsunami di Aceh. Peneliti dari Pusat Riset Kebencanaan Geologi, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) Nuraini Rahma Hanifa ...
The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 was one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history, killing 230,000 people across a dozen countries. Indonesia's Aceh province bore the brunt of the ...
Ia menuliskan, "Mengenang Tsunami 20 Tahun Aceh, Tahun 2004 Menjadi Saksi Mata Dunia 250 Ribu Orang Telah Pergi." Unggahan ini disertai foto dan video saat ia berkeliling museum untuk melihat pameran ...
Keterangan gambar, Sedikitnya 160.000 orang tewas di Banda Aceh. Gelombang laut meratakan ... menggambarkan kerusakan akibat gempa dan tsunami pada 2004 dan perubahan lanskap yang terjadi pada ...
In the aftermath of the 2004 Indian ... "The tsunami as a test from God." This later narrative was compelling enough to accelerate the post-tsunami recovery process. People in Aceh moved past ...
Indonesians pray for those who lost their lives in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at a mass grave in Banda Aceh on the 20th anniversary of the disaster. More than 220,000 people across Asia died ...
“Mari kita bersama-sama berzikir, berdoa, dan bertafakur untuk mengenang para syuhada yang gugur dalam tragedi gempa dan tsunami Aceh 2004 silam,” ujar Kepala Dinas Syariat Islam Aceh, Zahrol Fajri, ...
The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported the epicenter was located in the sea, 28 kilometers southwest of Tapaktuan City, South Aceh, at a depth of 59 kilometers. Daryono, ...