are in fact important material evidence of the arrival of the armies of the First Crusade in 1099 in southern Syria/Palestine and the territorial expansion of the newly established Kingdom of ...
Crusader Period Finds from the Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem. ‘Atiqot 26:87-104. Boas A.J. 2001. Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades: Society, Landscape and Art in the Holy City under ...
and finally the Jerusalem of the Crusades. On September 30, 1187, Saladin, leading his Muslim army, broke into Jerusalem, which had been ruled by the Christians for nearly a century, and soon ...
the Jerusalem of the Crusades. On September 30, 1187, Saladin, leading his Muslim army, broke into Jerusalem, which had been ...
The term is often used to describe the people who travelled from Western Europe to take part in the Crusades. Sultan is the title given to a ruler in some Muslim countries. ‘Jerusalem belongs to ...