Computers and smartphones might be where most writing is done these days, but typewriters still have work to do in the US.
The Sholes and Glidden typewriter introduced the QWERTY keyboard layout, a design so effective that it continues to be used today. This layout was devised to solve a mechanical issue, yet it will ...
The standard typewriter keyboard layout used throughout the world. Q, W, E, R, T and Y are the letter keys starting at the top left, alphabetic row. Designed by Christopher Sholes, who invented ...
The QWERTY layout was created by Milwaukee, Wisconsin newspaper editor Christopher Latham Sholes, who began experimenting with various keyboard designs in the 1860s including a layout with only ...
In June, Floading took part in an event in Milwaukee called Qwertyfest – intended to celebrate both the typewriter and the Qwerty keyboard layout, in memory of Christopher Latham Sholes.