Ohio’s wild turkeys made meaningful whoopee as gauged ... are used to compile a poult index that offers a rough measure of ...
Wild turkeys were re-established in New York by 1957 ... Young turkeys, called poults, leave the nest within hours after hatching. During the first two weeks of life, poults losses often exceed 50%, ...
He said that hurt the nesting habits of the birds ... expert on the subject and his opinion on the disappearance of the wild turkeys was correct. On one hand, it was good to know that there ...
Wild turkeys number between 30,000 and 35,000 in ... it's a half hour before sunrise to noon to protect the hens who are foraging and nesting. In the fall it’s longer, starting at a half hour ...
Mississippi wild turkey populations have been increasing for the past few years, leading to high harvest estimates. Favorable nesting conditions and strong poult survival rates are contributing to ...