It’s known as "navel pulling," and involves massaging castor oil on your belly button and abdominal area. To do what exactly?
Ever sniffed your belly button and caught a whiff of something foul? Surprise! Hidden lint, trapped sweat, or even a sneaky ...
But no one knew the answer. So for three years he collected his own belly-button lint to find out. And after interviewing friends and analyzing 503 of his own samples, Steinhauser discovered the ...
Body piercings are nowadays used as a means of self-expression, and belly button piercings are among the most sought-after options for those who want to give their looks an edgy or fashionable boost.
Getty A man says he's filed a legal claim against his brother-in-law following a prank in which super glue was poured into his belly button while he slept. In a viral post shared to Reddit ...
which helped carry the lint towards the belly button. Once it fell into the belly button, it wouldn't easily come out again. But perhaps there are some other factors involved . . . Do you have a ...