not real truffles. Tuber aestivum or Tuber indicum: these are summer or Chinese truffles, much less fragrant than the French black truffle (Tuber melanosporum). Tip: If a product seems too cheap ...
Two dogs specially trained to sniff out truffles have helped researchers identify two new-to-science truffle species in the U.S., according to a recent study. Truffles, synonymous with luxury fine ...
For example, high-priced Piedmont truffles (Tuber magnatum) are often difficult to distinguish from the cheaper spring truffles (T. borchii) ... When Jose Soriano was a child, the hills near the ...
For example, high-priced Piedmont truffles (Tuber magnatum) are often difficult to distinguish from the cheaper spring truffles (T. borchii) ... When Jose Soriano was a child, the hills near the ...
My personal favorite is the winter white truffle, Tuber oregonense, which I love slicing up to cover a batch of scrambled eggs. The fact that Oregon’s winter white truffles sell for hundreds of ...