Hamerton Zoo Park in Cambridgeshire put out a request to the public for used trees which the animals enjoy in a variety of ways. Bears and tigers like to rip them up, while small primates and ...
A deep freeze and rare snow have brought most things to a standstill from parts of Texas to Florida, but experts say wildlife ...
The farm is just one of a number of local farms that take tree donations for their animals. Right, Patches, a sheep, and goats Nutmeg, Pepper and Ginger munch on a donated tree. This story was ...
However, you can still find bristlecone pines in Nevada. Here's a look at the oldest trees and animals on the planet and where to find them. These are the oldest living trees according to the ...
High Desert residents who wait until the new year to get rid of their Christmas trees should consider donating them to Phelan's Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary for animal enrichment.
A zoo has received nearly 50 donated Christmas trees as part of an annual appeal to help enrich the lives of its animals. Hamerton Zoo Park in Cambridgeshire put out a request to the public for ...