[Advertisement] Jim Lounsbury: A simple mechanical accident at 4:00 in the morning last March at Three Mile Island touched off the worst accident in the history of American nuclear power.
While she didn’t experience the incident herself, the Netflix documentary, “Three Mile Island” gave Rai a better understanding of what happened, which is why she believes some community ...
possibility of a nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island atomic power plant.” It probably didn’t help that the movie “The China Syndrome,” about a fictional accident at a California ...
About one-third of a permanent workforce is already hired, the plant owner says, with more job postings going up in March.
The damaged reactor at Three Mile Island was not the first President Jimmy Carter had viewed up close. While in the Navy, Carter was part of a team that helped dismantle the damaged nuclear ...
Retired Colonel Oran Henderson, the head of Pennsylvania's Emergency Management Agency, informed Thornburgh of the incident at Three Mile Island on the morning of March 28, 1979. "The minute I ...
The movie's timing and location were both impeccable. Twelve days after Fonda's film hit theaters, a reactor at Three Mile Island (TMI) in central Pennsylvania partially melted down. The accident ...