There were three New York Club men on board. Behold us at sea. The second day out the great American Humbug broke her screw, and also sprang a leak, because one of the side plates had not been ...
In Charles Dickens’s 1843 story A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge exclaims “Bah! ... Humbug!” in reference to Christmas. As he famously hates the holiday, it’s easy to assume that ...
But luckily there are a few people who have achieved the impossible and one of them is the author of Humbug and an equally funny game, Jacaranda Jim. One final point to ponder is that he’s programmed ...
Over the next few weeks, there’s probably going to be a lot of words expended on how much the Arctic Monkeys have radically changed on this, “Humbug”, their third album. There’ll be a lot ...
The Plainview LimeLite will present a Christmas production called “Humbug on Display” during the second week of December. Kimberlee Mendoza, Plainview LimeLite co-owner, said the production ...