Not being a believer in past Buddhas or future Buddhas, there is only one Buddha I believe in, and have no problem with the term Buddha either, though many synonyms are associated with this great ...
The elegantly carved feline figures from the third century B.C., unearthed by the British in northern India, embody both ...
May I be permitted to add to the thought-provoking article, “The Buddha I believe in” (The Island, 24th February) by my very good friend Dr Upul Wijayawardhana, a few comments on some of the ‘firsts’ ...
Torso of Buddha statue unearthed at Ta Prohm Temple, Cambodia. TA PROHM, CAMBODIA—Archaeologists discovered the torso of a ...
KYOTO--Inspired by a priest’s belief that Buddhist practices should evolve, the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy has manifested himself as a robot at a temple here. The android edition of ...