Although Sacred Sword is an excellent move, Terrakion is not the best pick in Pokemon GO PvP. Its typing leaves a lot to be desired and its stat-spread — mediocre Defense and HP — doesn't help.
Here's a list of Terrakion counters that will help you defeat it in raids: Our recommendation for Terrakion's best moveset is Double Kick as a Fast Move and Scared Sword as a Charged Move.
Terrakion is, by far, top of the table for non–Mega Fighting-type attackers. It is only beaten by Mega Lucario and Mega Heracross, beats Mega Blaziken quite roundly and outperforms all Shadows ...
Terrakion will be featured in Pokémon GO Five-Star Raids as part of the Road to Unova event. You can defeat it using these tips and counters.
Many moons ago, Hariyama was pretty relevant to the meta as a fighting-type Pokémon, but it has since been overtaken by Pokémon like Lucario, Conkeldurr, Terrakion, and others. However ...
To learn more about Mega Lucario's offensive and defensive type matchups, check out our Pokemon Type Calculator ... with Force Palm and Aura Sphere Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword ...
1. Pokemon Black version background will be available for: - Therian Forme Tornadus - Reshiram - Cobalion - Terrakion - Virizion - Therian Forme Landorus - If a Trainer catches a Zekrom or ...