To help ring in the spring steelhead season, we opened up one of the most controversial conversations within the steelhead community: Wild vs. Great Lakes fish. And when we say "wild," we mean ...
Wild winter steelhead are larger and more powerful than hatchery-raised summer steelhead that anglers can catch and keep in the Santiam. Frolov estimated the fish he caught at 12.5 to 13 pounds.
All steelhead start life as rainbow trout, but not all rainbow trout will become steelhead. Confused? You’re not alone.
While steelhead are the migratory sub-species of rainbow trout, and they will head out to Lake Ontario for the summer, they often hang around in streams and the lower Niagara River until May.
Winter-run steelhead are found in many Lake Ontario and Lake Erie tributaries from late October through November. Less common summer-run steelhead head upstream from June to September. It’s hard ...
The winter weather this year has been surprising, to say the least. The 10-day forecast appears to favor a slow awakening ...
The WDFW said in a press release that the “Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter ...
While steelhead are the migratory sub-species of rainbow trout, and they will head out to Lake Ontario for the summer, they often hang around in streams and the lower Niagara River until May.