If you are planning to travel to Split or any other city in Croatia, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Split Airport along with the ...
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If you’re visiting Croatia for the first time, there are some things you should know. The Croatia travel tips I’m sharing in this post come from my own, firsthand experiences. Because truly, no ...
In an effort to acquire knowledge of the geographical distribution of poverty in Croatia, the World Bank collaborated with partners in the country to develop a detailed, geo-referenced database that ...
The best way to get around Split is by car since it gives you the most flexibility to travel on your own timetable, but renting a car isn't the most economical way to get around. Relying on the ...
Though no mecca for contemporary fashion, Croatia's second city is gradually embracing the design revolution that has already swept the capital. Split shopping encompasses anything from funky ...