The dangers of smoke inhalation are well known, so it’s not surprising that a lot of folks assume vaping is the healthier alternative to smoking. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Young adults are more likely to give up smoking and switch to vaping if they understand the reduced harm of vaping, according ...
The NHS has long maintained that vaping is “substantially less harmful than smoking". However, Dr Boidin’s research, which is set to conclude in March, presents shocking findings that could ...
The Vape Law, or Republic Act 11900, was made to control vaping and help reduce smoking in the Philippines. But instead of solving the problem, it made things w ...
Vaping is said to be 'more dangerous than smoking', according to scientists at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Minister says it is up to families to keep their children away from vapes, amid a rise in the number of students caught vaping ... Milan cracks down on outdoor smoking in Italy’s toughest ...
In recent years, vaping has become popular as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Flavored electronic cigarettes—known ...
Vapes, which were originally introduced as a measure to help smokers give up ciggies, have proven a vice of their own to some. Per a 2023 survey, 15% of occasional or one-off vapers aged 11-17 and ...