Art lovers, beachgoers and passerby gathered ... “We were like, ‘Is that a pirate ship?’” Sanchez said. Without reading the ...
An art auction aboard Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas ends in pricing controversy and stirs up complaints.
A state-of-the-art German research ship is giving local scientists new insight into the ocean floor, scouting underwater volcanos and coral reefs around the motū. During a layover in Wellington ...
Construction will begin soon on a state-of-the-art simulation hub that will use virtual reality to aid various federal ...
NavyX chose to name the ship after Patrick Blackett, a Nobel Prize winner who made a major contribution in the WW2 (Picture: Royal Navy) An experimental warship has been unveiled by the Royal Navy ...
Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society By Simon J. Levien On Aug. 30, 1892, the Western Reserve, a state-of-the-art ship en route to Minnesota, found itself in the middle of a gale in Lake Superior.