The researchers found that sea anemones also lack these sugar compounds ... the system—making anemonefish sensitive to anemone stings and non-symbiotic fish resistant. However, this is ...
The researchers found that sea anemones also lack these sugar compounds ... the system – making anemonefish sensitive to anemone stings and non-symbiotic fish resistant. However, this is ...
The ornately colored sea anemone (uh-NEM-uh-nee ... which are protected by a mucus layer that makes them immune to the anemone's sting. Clownfish live within the anemone’s tentacles, getting ...
Although there are some scientists who think that the male stings the female and it is so painful and unpleasant that she wouldn't want to mate with another male. This would heighten his chances of ...
Among other things, it highlighted the symbiotic relationship between clownfish and their sea anemone hosts — where the anemone’s sting protects the fish from predators, and in return, the fish help ...
Invasive sea creatures are turning up along the Jersey Shore and were discovered by a college student and his professor. The marine creatures are called beadlet anemones and are known to sting ...
Reduced sialic acid levels help anemonefish avoid stings from their sea anemone hosts. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
Stinging cells, produced by cnidarians such as jellyfish and anemones, are one of ocean ... This includes the Portuguese man-o-war, an open-sea colonial animal that is closely related to jellyfish and ...
A research team observing anemonefish in the field found they engage in interesting feeding behavior with their host sea anemones. Anemonefish, sometimes called clownfish, have been popular ...
Living symbiotically with sea anemones that shelter them from predators, the fish drive away organisms that nibble at their hosts. Anemonefish have also shown they will provide their hosts with ...
A new article expands our understanding of sensory neurons in the tentacles of sea anemones, linking them to kidney disease in humans through a common gene.