Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, parts of the brain that are both linked to language, are typically located in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere controls the movement of the left side ...
The left and right sides of the brain focus on different roles (such ... People who are especially skilled in one area or a certain type of activity are often considered left- or right-brained.
For decades, the idea that creativity comes from the right side of the brain has dominated popular culture. People have been told they're either "right-brained" (creative, intuitive) or "left-brained" ...
Tap the index finger of your right hand. It's a simple maneuver ... If it decides yes, your brain's motor cortex, a small area that exists on the outer part of your brain, calls for messages ...
Researchers showed that only the right-brain side of the amygdala is involved in processing images of animals—in terms or fear, aversion, or affection—highlighting the importance animals throughout ...
and a normal brain (right). In the HD brain, many brain cells have died and fluid (black areas) has filled in those areas. In the normal brain, those same areas are occupied by brain cells.
Two brain areas, the locus coeruleus and the ventral tegmental area, influence memory formation by competing for control over synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus.
The parts of the brain needed to remember words have been identified. Those areas are affected by a common form of epilepsy, ...
The parts of the brain that are needed to remember words, and how these are affected by a common form of epilepsy, have been identified by a team of neurologists and neurosurgeons at UCL.
This focus area will transform our understanding of brain development, aging, and health, and leverage this knowledge to improve treatments for brain diseases. To do this, we will pursue four ...