In the March 6 Nature, Daniela Delneri and colleagues describe experiments designed to reverse the process of speciation using genomic engineering in yeast (Nature, 421:952-956, March 6, 2003). The ...
Researchers from the University of New Hampshire looked at the developmental process of the cerebral cortex—the outermost ...
In this sense, evolution is a "drunkards walk" (Figure 1), wherein certain lineages inevitably attain unexplored novelty in form and function. By the same token, terms like "reverse evolution" and ...
To further investigate the origins of the fractal, the researchers reverse-engineered the protein ... a serendipitous ...
but in other cases there was either no significant change, or an initial rapid reversion followed by stalling of evolution, without full convergence to ancestral values. Thus reverse evolution is ...
In doing so, it lost its legs, and all of its vital systems became adapted to a marine existence -- the reverse of what happened ... that this back-to-the-water evolution did occur, thanks to ...