A new solid-state laser produces 193-nm light for precision chipmaking and even creates vortex beams with orbital angular ...
Content covers physics and operational characteristics of the double-heterostructure and quantum well lasers, dielectric waveguides, and issues of electrical and optical confinement in devices. For ...
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) researchers have developed a neuromorphic photonic semiconductor neuron ...
One of the greatest challenges facing optical telecommunications systems today is the temperature-sensitivity of conventional semiconductor lasers. Both bulk and quantum-well-based sources do not ...
"These smaller lasers will enable scalable laser solutions for actual quantum systems, as well as lasers for portable, field-deployable and space-based quantum sensors," said Andrei Isichenko ...
Flowing quantum dot solutions enhance heat dissipation, enabling stable high-speed pulsed operation and tunable color output for next-generation optical devices.