As many as 10,000 species of dainty orchids in the floral world also utilize deception in order to be get pollinated: Over time, they have evolved elaborate ruses to lure insects. Generally we ...
You can prepare two incredibly simple nutrients at home to help orchids grow beautifully and produce more buds. Mix half a cup of water with a teaspoon of honey, sugar, and some lemon juice in a jar.
Some flowers go to extraordinary lengths to attract pollinators. Bee orchids mimic the shape and scent of bees in order to lure them into ‘pseudocopulation’, where the male insect attempts to mate ...
Yes, these orchids do have a distinctive fragrance. Some liken it to honey, while others compare it to sandalwood or cloves. The aroma of these orchids is most potent during May and June ...
His photographs, taken over several years, revealed that Sierra Gorda really is a secret garden for orchids. There are over 1,200 species of orchid in Mexico, with many only found at high ...