Devon Dey: Hi, I'm Devon. Today, I'm going to walk you through how I restore a 200-year-old grandfather clock. [clock chiming] Clocks that old weren't branded with anything other than just the ...
A team of about 150 restorers fuses scientific analysis and traditional techniques to clean, patch up and otherwise revive ...
Work was done to repair the faces of the clock, which all stopped at different times back in the 1980′s. Because the clock is so old, volunteers had to rebuild some of the parts to get the clock ...
James Deshler has always been a curious person. He enjoys experimenting and fixing machines, taking them apart, fiddling with their parts and then putting them back together to create something new.
A part of Anderson’s history will soon be restored. The clock and bell occupying the main tower at the Madison County Government Center are set to be restored after the Madison County Commissioners ...
The Repair Shop expert Steve Fletcher was forced to make a tricky decision after restoring a 30-year-old clock in a show first. A previous episode of the hit BBC restoration show saw Karen enter ...
Many of the clocks we feature here on Hackaday are entirely built from scratch, or perhaps reuse an unusual display type. But sometimes, an old clock is just perfect as it is, and only needs a bit ...
The 59-year-old is among the handful of people in the city who can repair mechanical clocks, and has a varied collection of over 100 vintage clocks. Aseef’s shop has been in the neighbourhood ...