Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as live oaks.
It is a medium to tall tree, capable of reaching heights of 60-70’ and a diameter of 3-4’. This species grows in a round or oval shape, is moderately tolerant to shade, and establishes a deep taproot ...
This phenomenon, called marcescence, adds a unique dimension to the winter landscape, and gives me something to ponder while ...
Ball moss in your oak trees, leaves on the lawn ... To increase the chances of attracting your target species, refer to a birdhouse resource book with dimensions specified for each local species.
Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the United States, killing millions of trees across 76 Texas counties. Texans ...
Jessica Jones, an arborist with San Antonio Tree Surgeons, said the best way to identify oak wilt is by examining the leaves of a live oak. Jones said the leaves are the last symptom and sometimes ...