Nucleic acids are polymers, which are large molecules made up of smaller, repeating units that are chemically connected to one another. DNA is composed of repeating units called nucelotides or ...
For decades, lab-made antibodies have been used to support patients fighting specific diseases. These treatments have become ...
In the late nineteenth century, a German biochemist found the nucleic acids, long-chain polymers of nucleotides, were made up of sugar, phosphoric acid, and several nitrogen-containing bases.
These polymers appear to carry the pattern of living matter from one generation to the next. Their basic chain consists of sugars joined by phosphates. Attached to the sugars, in turn, are bases ...
For liquid-liquid phase separation to occur in cells, the polymers that make up membraneless organelles—typically highly flexible proteins and nucleic acids—must exceed what is called their saturation ...
Specifically, our group is focusing on developing new materials and photopolymerization mechanisms for a variety of applications including: Sequence-Controlled Polymerization of "Click" Nucleic Acids ...
Nucleic acids are complex biological molecules that store and transmit genetic information in all living organisms. They are essential for the survival and reproduction of life on Earth. The two main ...
Accurate monitoring of particle size and growth is essential to ensure scalability in the development of transfection vectors ...
UNIGE scientists have developed a groundbreaking technology that creates synthetic molecules mimicking antibodies, potentially revolutionizing disease treatments.