Causes and Risk Factors Dr. Saurabh Juneja, Director and Head of Department, CTVS, at the Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, elaborates on the various causes of non-healing ulcers that may progress to ...
Some medical topics are not for the faint of heart or those with a weaker stomach. One obvious example is that of chronic wounds and their care. As a specialist in foot and ankle medicine, I find this ...
A study reveals that elevated salivary microvesicles could serve as biomarkers for non-healing oral ulcers and oral cancer.
Cell Analysis of Debrided Diabetic Foot Ulcers Reveals Dysregulated Wound Healing Environment in Non-Hispanic Black Patients, ...
but if you have a persistent mouth ulcer that lasts more than 2-3 weeks or one that’s bigger than a centimetre you should consult a doctor or a dentist because a non-healing ulcer could be a ...
Diabetic wounds often lead to severe complications that can result in amputations. These chronic and non-healing wounds are ...