Each neuron has only a single axon that extends from ... It’s important to note that these nodes are ion channels. In the spaces just outside and inside of the axon membrane exists a ...
In the resting state, when it is not sending a signal, a neuron’s membrane is polarized, with the inside of the cell being more negatively charged than the outside (negative membrane potential). There ...
scientists have developed techniques to measure calcium activity using fluorescent proteins that are sensitive to calcium ions as sensors, providing an indirect proxy for neuron activity.
Unlike channelrhodopsin, halorhodopsin is an ion pump, meaning that only one chloride ion moves across the neuron’s membrane per photon of light. “What that translates into is you get partial ...
The GABA A receptor is a channel that allows chloride ions to flow into the neuron, decreasing the voltage within the cell relative to the extracellular space. Such hyper­polarization decreases the ...