The method to the madness of mowing is to minimize ... but your grass will be so much healthier. Lawn care practices are steeped in science, myths, and misconceptions passed down by word of ...
Wondering when to start mowing again? Here are three key signs that your lawn is ready for its first cut of the season.
Wait to sharpen mower blades until after the first two or three times you mow. Sticks and debris often greet mower blades ...
The best time to start mowing in spring depends on your local climate and how quickly your lawn starts growing again after ...
Discover why lawn aeration is crucial for a healthy yard. Learn how to identify if your lawn needs aeration, the benefits it ...
TO mow or not to mow is the question every gardener asks in March. The temptation when the temperature slowly creeps up, ...
Everyone knows that lasers are basically magic, and if you strap a diode laser or two to a lawn mower ... and the safety methods required to not turn it into a laser safety PSA.
This is your year to finally have the yard of your dreams. Get a few essential tips and tricks about how to achieve a lush, ...
Natural methods of lawn care in conjunction with chemicals can produce a healthy lawn and protect water quality, according to the Garrison Environmental Office.
While grass growth slows in winter, it doesn’t ever stop, and improper mowing can cause damage that weakens your lawn’s resilience in the long-term. Cheryl Harper, MD of Greensleeves Lawn Care ...
It’s as simple as mowing your lawn less frequently or not all during the month of May. This pause allows wildflowers time to bloom, serving up a nectar-rich buffet for bees, butterflies and ...