This hybrid drink combines the flavor of root beer ... regional dairies have often experimented with adding soda-inspired flavors to milk. While chocolate and strawberry milk dominate the flavored ...
Healthy food is important for children, but what they drink also matters. Dr. Leana Wen explains what health and nutrition ...
Chocolate milk is, well, milk — but made chocolatey with ... Those ads referred to Yoo-hoo as a chocolate energy soft drink, but these days soft drink usually indicates carbonated soda, and the phrase ...
From modern soda to the latest flavor innovations, we take a look at some of the new launches around the globe ...
Once upon a time, you were a little kid who had to drink milk to get big and ... starting with a base of milk and flavored syrup, then adding soda water, which causes it to form a fluffy white ...
Coffee milk was invented in Rhode Island, sometime in the 1930s. “The story goes that sometime back in the 1930s a soda jerk at a pharmacy fountain was experimenting with different drinks to ...
If you're a Boomer, too, you probably recall that many of us grew up drinking milk at every meal. Unlike today, soda was reserved for parties and the occasional trip to the Golden Arches or a ...