S ome of the body's cells stay put for life, while others are free to roam. To move, these migratory cells rely on filopodia—sensitive, finger-like protrusions that reach out from the cell ...
Nathan Blow looks at some of the technologies used by cell biologists to unlock the mysteries of cell migration. As people move from place to place to carry out daily activities, within their ...
In mechanobiology, cells' forces have been considered fundamental to their enhanced function, including fast migration. But a group of researchers in the McKelvey School of Engineering at ...
Researchers from Osaka University found that plasma cells expressing high levels of the protein integrin β7 and the ...
The paper J.G. Dumortier et al., “Collective mesendoderm migration relies on an intrinsic directionality signal transmitted through cell contacts,” PNAS, 109:16945-50, 2012. Cells migrating as a group ...
Cells surviving the chemical stress in this new study had the signature of a prometastatic state as previously defined by Ruiz i Altaba’s team, and showed high levels of endoplasmic stress and ...
We demonstrate, using time-lapse imaging of acute cortical slices, that two distinct forms of cell movement, locomotion and somal translocation, are responsible for the radial migration of ...
Comprises everything you need to run fully kinetic and automated 96-well cell migration (scratch wound) on Incucyte ®: 96-pin woundmaking tool (Incucyte ® WoundMaker), Cell Migration Analysis ...